TDG Training in Canada

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Training

TDG Training

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Training (TDG Training): A Comprehensive Guide

TDG Training: General knowledge as well as specific modules for consigners, handlers and drivers of dangerous goods as defined by the TDG act.



Dangerous Goods (Transportation of Dangerous Goods) Regulations 1998 are the primary legal framework that govern the transportation of dangerous goods (e.g. explosives, pharmaceuticals, etc.).

The government expects this type of transportation to be carried out by well trained, professional truck drivers who know their routes and procedures.

The regulations state that, among other things, freight must be safe and in good condition, the loads must be properly packaged and the cargo must be transported under the supervision of a qualified individual.

The TDG Act is incredibly detailed in their regulations. The consignor, the transporter, and the transporter’s agent all play an important role in delivering cargo and the scope of control details who is responsible for what.

TDG Regulations

TDG Regulations

Passenger vehicles with hazardous goods: Vehicles that are modified, modified to include or to be equipped with specified hazardous goods;

Transporters of dangerous goods vehicles and lorries (TDG Volume 3: Transport of Dangerous Goods; Transport of Dangerous Goods regulations);

Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG Volume 3: Transport of Dangerous Goods; Requirements). Restricted use vehicles and lorries (TDG Volume 3: Transport of Dangerous Goods);

No ADG in principle and the option of putting forward a political statement. Aeroplanes with dangerous goods: Cargo compartment or auxiliary cargo or in-flight container with any hazardous good; See subsection C-2, C-3 or C-4 (Aeroplane with Dangerous Goods) below.

Training Requirements

• Compliance training – Organizational Compliance: This module is required for all of the team members and handlers of a company, including drivers, dispatchers, factory personnel, and other applicable personnel.

• General knowledge: This module is required to provide basic knowledge of dangerous goods.

• HACCP Training: This is mandatory for all agencies handling dangerous goods.

The Importance of TDG Training

Training the transporter how to safely ship dangerous goods will reduce the likelihood of an incident. Research provided by Transport Canada and the Department of Transportation states that majority of accidents can be traced back to trucks and rail.

Truck drivers are particularly at risk to accidents, because they often follow a risk management system that was not designed with them in mind. Training and certification (TDG Certificate) in hazardous material handling allows for safer transport and delivery, and therefore lower probability of accidents.

With regard to the Risks Associated with Cargo Handling and Dangerous Goods, it is important to understand how to prevent dangerous goods from coming loose. Not only this, but if those dangerous goods do come loose in a cargo hold, transporters will know what actions must be taken to handle the situation.


If you have any questions about the topics above, please contact the organization for further information.

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